2020 eHealthcare Leadership Awards
Winners in the Category of
Best Mobile Website


Hospital, 200-399 Beds
 PlatinumWolfson Children’s Hospital, www.wolfsonchildrens.com 
Hospital, 400+ Beds
 GoldAlvin J. Siteman Cancer Center, siteman.wustl.edu 
Healthcare System
 PlatinumAdventHealth, www.adventhealth.com 
 PlatinumNorthwell Health, Phase2 Technology, www.northwell.edu 
 GoldBaptist Health, www.baptistjax.com 
 SilverBaptist Health, BaptistHealth.com 
Consumer Disease-Focused Site
 DistinctionMount Sinai Health System, Palantir.net, www.mitralvalverepair.org 
Other Healthcare Sites
 GoldThe PAN Foundation, fundfinder.panfoundation.org 
 SilverFAIR Health, fairhealthconsumer.org 
 SilverFAIR Health, fairhealthconsumidor.org